5 Ways to Enjoy Toronto Arts & Culture On a Dime
There are literally hundreds of thousands of post-secondary students in Toronto. Hundreds. Of. Thousands. On top of that, there’s that glorious period of time following your graduation where you can’t (technically) use your student discount but definitely can’t afford regular prices. Fear not, my impoverished friends. Listed below are many ways to enjoy the arts and culture of the 6ix for the cost of one drink or less. Free Museum Days Toronto is full of wonderful museums to keep your brain full of information even after you’ve closed the textbooks. Most have evenings when they are free to the public, so you can get all that glorious knowledge without paying…
Black History Month in Toronto
Black History Month is a celebration of blackness, and an acknowledgement of the histories that have informed, fed, and nourished Canada. With each February comes a crop of new events throughout Toronto. They are all focused on black artist and thinkers whose work, individually, contains a profound vibrancy, and a multifaceted-ness that continues to provide depth to the legacy of Black Canadians. While Black History Month is an exciting time, with an abundance of exciting events and carefully curated, distinctly Canadian, and wonderfully unfurling launches of fantastic books and palpating festivals, the wealth of opportunities can make for some difficult decisions and unfortunate omissions. So, while your Facebook feeds begin…
March Madness
Staycation Spring Break By Natasha Tsakiris Spring break is nearly here! No school and no work—for those lucky enough to get time off. It’s time for some fun and a little, very much deserved R and R time. While many Canadians will be facing extremely long lines at airports for a chance of sun, surf, and sand, the rest of us will be looking for fun activities to do on a staycation. “A vacation that is spent at one’s home enjoying all that home and one’s home environs have to offer”, as the Urban Dictionary describes it, a “staycation” is a great way to be a tourist in one’s city…