New Year, Old You
If you've already given up your New Year's resolutions, here is how to get back on track to becoming your best self in 2018.
8 Ways to Set Goals and Stay Motivated
Every new year, we use our resolutions to admit to the world ways in which we want to better ourselves. For a lot of us, it’s about being healthier, wealthier, and wiser. But, by the time we’ve gotten all of the turkey and wine out of our system, our resolutions have begun to waver and fade. Here are some tips to bolster your determination without burning yourself out: 1. Think of it as a Challenge A “goal” is an ideal image that floats above our heads, nice and neat like a finished painting. For all its positive connotations, thinking of a resolution as a goal can disconnect it from the…
5 Places You Can Go to Escape Your Cellphone
In this day and age, we live by the internet and especially through social media. We eat with it, we sleep with it, and we even walk our dogs with it. For many, it takes as much as the inability to connect—being physically unable to access social media—to make us log offline. Below is a list of places and events in Toronto that either do not allow for the use of cellphones or simply do not have WiFi or connection signals, giving you the ability to escape from your cellphone, even for just a few minutes (or hours). The Subway For just $3.00, you can travel underground on Toronto’s subway…
Connectivity: Life’s Trivial Pursuit
BY FRANK RUSSO (@ComedyRusso) “If someone had mentioned ‘staying connected’ meant to everyone else’s problems, I’d have never bought one” That was just one of many revelations to come from the first annual Reflections On Technology (ROT) conference held in Sudbury, Ontario, this past weekend. Experts, academics, and consumers alike spent three days on a technology-free retreat, where they could re-experience what life was like before cellphones and social media. “The longer I’m away from it, the less it makes sense,” explains Shane Newbert, Program Developer at You-slessApp. “I have Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Outlook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts. Obviously I don’t have time for all of these,…
Time to Unfriend
Virtual unfriending is as easy as clicking a button, and it usually leaves little emotional impact. How unfriending in real life, though challenging and upsetting, could be better for both of you in the long run.