Which Danforth bars will be open for the Gold Medal Game?

You know that here at On the Danforth, we love us some hockey. In honour of the Olympic gold medal match, city council has voted to allow bars to open and serve beer starting at 7 am, just in time for the big game. If you’re looking for a place to cheer on Team Canada, On The Danforth has you covered. We’ve put together a list of bars that will be passing out brewskis in time for the opening face-off.
Factory Girl (193 Danforth Ave.) – 647-352-2799
The Fox and the Fiddle (535 Danforth Ave.) – 416-462-8930
Rails and Ales (1106 Danforth Ave.) – 416-462-9555
Groove Bar and Grill (1952 Danforth Ave.) – 647-350-1917
Relish Bar and Grill (2151 Danforth Ave.) – 416-425-4664
The Linsmore Tavern (1298 Danforth Ave.) – 416-466-5130
Call ahead to these places. Some, like the Fox and the Fiddle, will be opening at 6:30 am, and others have specials on offer, such as Rails and Ales, which is serving a breakfast buffet and will be opening at 6 am.
If you know of any more bars that will be open, leave a comment below!
Go Canada, go!
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Paula Rankin
Danforth Music Hall