A Secret Santa Gift Guide for that Difficult Person in your Life
Well, it’s that time of year again! Gift buying is pretty fun, but what if you’re stuck participating in a Secret Santa, and you get the ONE person in the whole event that you rarely talk to? Plus, you’re expected to buy something nice for someone you barely know? If that’s not pressure, then I don’t know what is! Seriously though, trust me; been there, done that….and I never want to do it again. So here’s a list of gift ideas for you, in case you end up like me, going through a whole mall trying to find a gift.
Bon Appétit Gift Card
The gift of food is always a good option, especially if it’s for these restaurants! Chances are, your Secret Santa will appreciate this for their next take-out night. I mean, who doesn’t love these places? The Bon Appétit gift card gives a wide variety of choices. Decisions like “do I want burgers, chicken, or something specific like pasta and pizza” will be a difficult choice for your Secret Santa to make, but once they’re sitting with food in front of them, you will be an awesome person to them. Free food = friends.
Beverage Gift Set (with mug!)
If you notice that this person always has some sort of hot drink in their hands, do a little digging and see what they enjoy! Hot chocolate, tea, or coffee is usually what you’re going to find in these gift sets! (FYI, the Laura Secord hot chocolate is to DIE for. I highly recommend this one! Chocolately goodness…. YUM!) After you figure out your Secret Santa’s preference, go to any store, and buy whatever gift set they have available. It will make you a literal hero in their eyes. Plus, you can get something for yourself while you’re at it! #winning
Wine and Chocolates (or any other preferred alcohol choice)
If you’re a wine and chocolate expert, then take this chance to use those skills for somebody else. Just think…wrapping up the perfect (unopened) bottle of red, with a bunch of yummy, chocolate treats on the side. Now if that doesn’t say Merry Christmas, I don’t know what will! Of course, if these presents are opened at a work party, no drinking on the job.
Emoji Themed Gifts
If you have the right person to give these to, then I say go for it! They’re a fun gift to get…maybe not so fun to wrap, but hey, we only ask that you try. Emoji’s are such a huge part of our social media obsessed society, so they are literally everywhere! Emoji slippers, pillows, laptop sleeves, you name it! As you shop for these items, you’ll have a little fun yourself, because who can’t help but smile back at those heart-eye Emoji slippers?
Phone Accessories
It’s not too difficult to figure out which phone your person has. So I suggest buying a fun case, because everyone loves phone accessories…especially since you can’t go wrong with different patterns and images! For example, a cute floral design, a fancy jeweled one, or (dare I say it), the Kim Kardashian crying face case? You can have so much fun shopping around for these, so get creative with this gift! Cases are made for protection, so do it in style.
Home Décor
You can tell a lot about a person, just by the way they act and their appearance. So it shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out the style of your Secret Santa person. A cute poster with a saying on it, or just fancy wall art in general are great gifts because they’re easy to pick out, and you can never go wrong! Pier1 Imports, Wayfair, and even Indigo have mega cute items for anyone. Beware though, these websites usually have amazing sales, so it’s easy to shop for both your Secret Santa, and yourself! It’s not a bad thing, but don’t tell anyone I said that!

One Comment
Rebecca Taylor
I always buy the mug sets. Everyone always love it. Bonus is that it comes wrapped for you!