3 Great East Side Independent Gyms
Toronto’s east side is brimming with high-level independent gyms that appeal to a broad range of fitness fanatics.
NCAA Tournament Preview
A brief overview of which teams will find success at this year's NCAA Men's Basketball Championship.
Vince Carter’s Lasting Legacy
People always talk about “where were you when” moments. Sometimes they can be associated with immense positivity. Others can be intrinsically linked to tragedy. Often, these moments have a wide spread impact on on our global society, weaving themselves into our social and historical makeup. However, my “where were you when” moment is a personal one. But not personal in the sense that I was the only one that experienced it. In fact, I’m sure that plenty of people recall this moment with equal or greater fondness than I do. But on February 11, 2000 my life as a sports fan changed forever. Vince Carter won the NBA Slam Dunk…
6 Biggest Toronto Sports Moments of the 21st Century
With the NBA All-Star Weekend happening for the first time outside of the United States, Ethan describes our favourite moments in Toronto Sports History.
Help Get the Homeless Out of the Cold
Walking into the office of Heyworth House I am welcomed by the friendly smile of Haydar Shouly. He apologizes for the clutter and explains that with the start of Out of the Cold (OOTC) the space has turned into more of a storage unit. Shouly is a manager of housing and homelessness services for Dixon Hall, a community based not-for-profit that runs programs for all ages. More specifically, he manages Heyworth House, a homeless shelter located at 2714 Danforth Avenue. In my opinion, the office did not seem out of sorts at all–especially when I learned what a large undertaking OOTC has become. OOTC is an initiative that Dixon Hall…