
Stephanie Furlan


She organizes, manages, assists, and oversees every aspect of this website. Hailing from Ottawa, the nation’s capital, On the Danforth online’s Editor-in-Chief, Stephanie Furlan, has now set up camp in Toronto, and boy are we glad she’s here! “I love seeing the bigger picture, watching OTD online come together piece by piece from its starting point to now.”

A meet and greet with Stephanie…

On The Danforth: What would you name the autobiography of your life?
Stephanie Furlan: Some people wait for the storm to pass. I choose to dance in the rain.

OTD: Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
SF: No, not really. I think they only exist in our minds. When we’re alone in a house and hear a noise or think something has moved, fear strikes us and we mutter, “It must be a ghost.” It makes us give reason to something that is unexplainable. Ghosts also exist in books or any piece of entertainment really. It’s up to the creator to make you believe they are real, and maybe even give you nightmares. If you are someone who can get that kind of emotional response out of me, good job for you. I think ghosts are just one more excuse for people not to feel so alone in this world.

OTD: What’s another word for thesaurus?
SF: A bible of words’ paradoxes.

OTD: What’s your guilty pleasure?
SF: The internet. I can’t function without it. It lets me keep track of what is going on in the world, it helps me with my work, and it lets me stay connected to family and friends. It also keeps me entertained, whether I’m blogging, on forums, on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. There is always something to do on the internet.

Where can you expect to see Stephanie in the future?

“Ultimately, I would like to be able to work with technology, be creative, read a lot, and maybe even write.”

Keep track of Stephanie, here:

Twitter: @StephFurlan
YA Books Blog
Blog’s Twitter: @feistylilwoman
[email protected]

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