Hey Danny, I’m Walkin’ Over Here!
The worth of walkability through the Danforth’s eyes.
Love Letter From a Commuter: Why the Don Valley Should Be Protected
Dear Don Valley, It is 9:39 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, and I am driving down the Don Valley Parkway, heading to Centennial College for my first day of school. Up until today, I have never been a commuter; I have always lived close to school, so driving every day from my small hometown north of the city is rather new to me. Already I find the bumper-to-bumper traffic along the DVP to be as tedious and exhausting as the constant exhaust fumes that are spewing out of engines all around me. But there is one silver lining: as I take the exit at Don Mills Road and the…
Designing a Neighbourhood: The Go-To Design Hub
I met Armin Martiros, the owner of Design Lab, on a bright, warm day. His shop, similar to that day, was warm and bright. While walking along Pape Avenue, I stopped at a storefront window, displaying one small, white sofa covered with a fluffy, ash-grey blanket, some pillows, and a matching side table. Drawn in by the design, which resembled a cozy, nicely furnished home, I decided to have a look inside. The first thing I noticed was that the space was filled with personalized everyday items, things appearing both practical and pretty. Later, after browsing the shop’s webpage, I saw that cushions, lamps, Acapulco chairs, sofas, curtains, colourful glasses,…
How We Immortalize Our Cats: From Ancient Pottery to Etsy Shops
As a kid, I grew up with three cats. In the 90s, that meant we filled albums with Kodak photographs we got developed at Walmart. Photographs of us—my family—with our beloved little guys and some of just Rex or Chloe or Max, alone, because we needed to bring that love we had for them to life, to put it somewhere tangible, somewhere we could look at and hold in our hands. Obviously, this is not a unique experience. The rise of kitty fame on the Internet makes that ever clearer. But we—humans, lovers of cats—have been filling proverbial albums with Walmart-developed photos for as long as cats have been domesticated,…
People of the Danforth
There’s a peculiar phenomenon that I stumbled across on the internet the other day: The Danforth Community group on Facebook, filled with missing pets and keys, business ventures, quirky events, and a bunch of really lovely people. After my initiation (my request to join was approved), it felt like I had opened a treasure chest of community secrets. I dug through hundreds of posts discussing matters related to the Danforth, and honestly, I got jealous. I don’t live on the Danforth, nor do I visit the area often, but looking through the group unleashed an itching curiosity as to what made their community page so lively—the members were so helpful…
Cooking Up a Community
Two days before this article was due, my husband, friend, and I were sitting at Mezes on the Danforth. We hadn’t planned to eat there—it was a last-minute, panicked decision when the other plan for my article fell through. I had changed the topic of this piece so many times that I had absolutely no clue what I was going to write, and decided that, if nothing else, we’d have a great meal at Mezes. I’ve been coming to Mezes for almost ten years after a friend and I did a quick “where should we eat on the Danforth” search in 2013. My husband and I even considered getting married…
Little Big Libraries
Reading is the root of most of our interesting thoughts. Once we immerse ourselves in books, especially in children’s titles, we end up creating unfathomable associations inside our brains. Think genius girl who avenges abuse of authority through telekinesis, angry lonely kid who becomes king amongst monsters, or underpants superhero with “wedgie power.” Along the same line, a book exchange initiative, like the Little Free Library, can forge the most incredible connections between people. It was American film director John Waters who famously recommended not sleeping with people who don’t have books; not letting them explore us until they have explored the world of libraries. Although I wouldn’t go as…
5 Must-Try Delicious Desserts on the Danforth
1. Ampersand Bakehouse–1808 Danforth Ave. Looking to support a small bakery? Ampersand Bakehouse is perfect for you. There’s always something different to try out, including a wide variety of vegan and gluten-free options. Want to try baking at home? Pre-made cookie dough is sold in some of their signature flavours for you to bake to your heart’s—and stomach’s—desire! Their bright white interior is sure to draw you in, but the desserts and warm drinks will make you want to stay. Why not try out a s’mores fudge bar, washed down with a marshmallow latte? With so many treats and desserts to try, I almost couldn’t decide. I reached for the…
7 Books to Read This Spring, and the Order You Should Read Them In
Blossoms, bees, lilac bushes; spring is about growth—we finally get to watch nature come back to life after the dull ache of winter. With the air smelling of fresh lavender and magnolia trees, and the taste of strawberry banana smoothies on your tongue, how else would you want to spend the warm weather other than with a good book in your hands? Here are the best books to read this spring, and the order you should read them in to fully soak up the atmospheric fervour of the season. The best part? All these reads can be found at Book City on the Danforth (348 Danforth Ave). 1 The Vanishing…
4 Women Owned Businesses That Are Making a Difference
Each of the following businesses bring their own unique offerings to the Danforth, and you need to check them out. These businesses also happen to be run by some amazing—and very passionate—female business owners with positive missions for their businesses far beyond self-interest and profit. They have big ambitions for what they want their businesses to do and be. Each business has the opportunity to positively impact the community and make a difference. Secret Planet Print Shop– 918 Danforth Ave. Jackie is a screen printer who owns Secret Planet Print Shop, a screen-printing studio and gift shop that sells items made by local and Canadian artisans, as well as in-house…