• Food + Drink

    Confessions of a Danforth Dishwasher

    Who doesn’t love a good street festival? I grew up in the area, and had been coming to Taste of The Danforth for years when I got the opportunity that would find me in a new line of work, and in turn shape the next few years of my life. It wasn’t any kind of grand revelation on my part, in fact, I sort of fell backwards into it, and this neighbourhood’s favourite festival had a lot to do with that. I was twenty when I took my first kitchen job.  Younger Jamie knew he liked to write but didn’t know much else. I was home from school for the…

  • Archive

    Raining on the Parade

    It was a cold, dark and rainy Sunday just on the cusp of spring, and the whole world seemed depressed.  Well, maybe not the whole world, but my room-mate and I were after a long weekend indoors with little fun and loads of schoolwork.  To cheer ourselves up, we decided to make use of the Tim Hortons coupons my mom had sent me (it’s the little things when you’ve been a student for 5 years) by loading up on sprinkle doughnuts and iced cappuccinos. Emerging from the underground at Pape station was like stepping into a different time.  Cars were spaced evenly all along the southside of the Danforth with…