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    Warmth on a Winter’s Weekend

    I know you; you’re sitting in front of your computer, wrapping misery in a blanket, and you’ve opened this article to scoff at my list of ideas to keep your heart warm through another Canadian winter. You don’t like that snow has seized our streets, patios have shut their doors, and Mr. Frost has personally ensured that you will not be at a restful temperature while outdoors for the next three months. So you might as well read this and enlighten your winter more than your wistful waiting ever could. I’m sitting at a coffee shop—outside the window to my left, the snow falls modestly—in the foreground is my computer,…

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    Spectre (2015) is thrilling entertainment

    If you liked Skyfall, and want more of the same, then Spectre will not disappoint. Like Skyfall, it carries on with the more serious and semi-realistic tone of the Craig Bond movies, but with an appropriate injection of humour and nostalgic references to older Bond films. One particular throwback moment I enjoyed was a reprieve of the famous “hello, Pussy” line from Goldfinger. The film’s greatest strength lies in its action sequences, its humour, and its tone. It feels like classic Bond in many ways, and embodies a nice mixture of novelty and well-loved old tropes. The opening sequence, featuring a stunning tracking shot, atmospheric Mexican drums, costumes and architecture,…