
Renae McCann

Web Designer

She loves technology and creativity. Renae McCann, from Toronto, takes on the role of web designer. When we sat down to talk to her, she tells us that her favourite part of her role is “getting to learn how to get a website going. The experience is very valuable and I enjoy problem solving, as well as contributing my creative input.”

Here’s Renae…

On The Danforth: Do you have a favourite designer?
Renae McCann: Not really… but I appreciate clean, fresh, and bold styles.
OTD: Describe the last adventure you went on.
RM: Getting older, the majority of my adventurous have become emotional and spiritual ones. Experiencing great change has set my life on a completely different course than I had originally thought, teaching me a great lesson: that you can never be sure what’s just around the corner.

OTD: If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
RM: I actually have started writing many books… that I have unfortunately have not completed (lol). One of my biggest projects was a scifi/zombie/fantasy featuring aliens that look like pig-humanoids that infest people and turn them into one of them. Their attempt to overrun the planet has made humans discover their inert power to control the elements, as a means of protection. The story follows two girls who try to survive in the horrible conditions, and the journey they take once one of them gets bit and turns into a “halfie” (half human, half alien). Weird, I know, but it grew on me!

OTD: If you could live at any one time in earth’s history, when would it be?
RM: The English Renaissance of course!! Not only is it the age where knowledge and art exploded, when the new world was discovered, but is also the period in which SHAKESPEARE was alive! Enough said.

OTD: How do you like to relax?
RM: Funny story… I used to actually like to read a lot, but my other hobby of video gaming has really taken over. I am a huge video game nerd and spend most of my free time with this activity.

Where can you expect to see Renae in the future?

“I’m hoping that I can find a job working online and on a website.”

Contact Renae:

[email protected]

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