Because It’s 2015
By now you’ve heard of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s famous response to the question: “why is [a gender balanced cabinet] so important to you?” But what else is he doing to help feminism in Canada?
Aboriginal Women
After years of Harper avoiding the issue, Trudeau has pledged to finally investigate the murders and disappearances of hundreds of Aboriginal women. But he isn’t stopping there; he plans to work with many Aboriginal communities and organizations to deal with the unique issues that these women and girls face everyday.
Parental Leave
Future fathers, this one’s for you, because feminism is not only limited to woman’s rights. Trudeau plans to increase parental leave to 18 months and allow more flexible benefits. Both parents can split the 18 months however they deem appropriate.
Trudeau simply supports a woman’s right to choose. Enough said.
Misogyny in Pop Culture
The way to change culture is a slow process, but Trudeau plans to help it along. He has vocalized his disdain for misogyny that appears in music and games, calling out “gamergate” specifically: “There’s a big culture shift that’s ongoing, that needs to continue.”
Sexual Harassment
After discovering two Liberal Members of Parliament had committed sexual harassment, Trudeau had the men suspended from the caucus. Then, this October, the Liberals pledged to invest $20 billion into shelters and transition homes for victim’s of violence, sexual harassment, and assault.
With so many husbands and wives left separated over borders, Trudeau has decided to get rid of the two year waiting period for spouses that are waiting to immigrate to Canada. They can now receive permanent residency with their partner.
Photography by Taha Ghaznavi
Deanna is an online managing editor for onthedanforth.ca and a designer for On the Danforth summer edition. When she’s not over-organizing her life, she’s probably watching Survivor in a onesie. You can creep her Instagram here.

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Great stuff ✔✔✔