Weekend Roundup
Calling all University and College students, whether you’re just finishing up your reading week or starting it off with a bang. For those of you who couldn’t fly off to a sunny destination and are stuck in the city, we have you covered.
Warmth on a Winter’s Weekend
I know you; you’re sitting in front of your computer, wrapping misery in a blanket, and you’ve opened this article to scoff at my list of ideas to keep your heart warm through another Canadian winter. You don’t like that snow has seized our streets, patios have shut their doors, and Mr. Frost has personally ensured that you will not be at a restful temperature while outdoors for the next three months. So you might as well read this and enlighten your winter more than your wistful waiting ever could. I’m sitting at a coffee shop—outside the window to my left, the snow falls modestly—in the foreground is my computer,…
Where Are You Christmas?: Unexpected (but Exceptional) Holiday Events
With the holiday season upon us, it comes as no surprise that the city has become a hot spot for festive events. For those wishing to avoid the large crowds of the Distillery District’s Christmas Market and the multitude of events taking place in Young-Dundas Square, discovering new, festive things to do can be difficult. Below, we have a list of some of the less crowded holiday events and activities happening in and around Toronto. Ugly Christmas Sweater Cocktail Cruise Ugly Christmas sweaters have become a staple of the holiday season and this cocktail cruise provides the opportunity to don your favourite hideous holiday attire and celebrate the season while…
Skaters Gonna Skate
Family Skating Party at Monarch Park! By Daniel Polowin The 12th annual Earl Beatty Community Centre Skating Party happens tomorrow, Sunday, February 10th, from 2–4 pm at Monarch Park Rink. Bring your skates, family, and friends for music, games, and fun. Most importantly, bring your wackiest scarf for the Crazy Scarf Contest. There will be prizes for most colourful, weirdest, and biggest scarves. The Earl Beatty Advisory Council will be providing refreshments: coffee, baked goods, and hot cocoa and marshmallows! Bring a mug from home! It’ll be fun for the whole family*, so lace up, scarf up, and we’ll see you on the ice! View Larger Map *Children under six must wear…
Head Out to Workout
Learn to enjoy the cold winter weather by trying some new outdoor activities that will boost your heart rate and your happiness.
Keep Sweating, Frosty
5 Ideas to keep you active during the cold months.
Welcome Winter
Five family-friendly winter day trip ideas.
5 Holiday Events To Attend In Toronto
Are you wondering what to do during the holidays? Here is a list of five activities you can do on the Danforth and around the city to get you into the spirit of the season!